One Must Fall 2097 Remake Project

OpenOMF is a Open Source remake of "One Must Fall 2097" by Diversions Entertainment. Since the original DOS game from 1994 still uses IPX networking and is a pain to set up, the community needed a better solution to keep playing the game we love. Together with networking, we try to make it easier to play One Must Fall in original glory on multiple platforms (Linux, Mac OSX, Windows, BSD to name a few).


Project goals

  1. At first, as faithful a game binary to the original as possible. When this is reached, we can work on new features.
  2. Better game controller support (new gamepads etc.)
  3. Better networking support. The original game used IPX/SPX networking, which can nowadays be emulated on eg. dosbox. However, dosbox IPX/SPX routing is annoying to set up and the original game will run slowly on it.
  4. More network game types. For example full Internet tournaments are being planned.
  5. Support for new graphics and audio. The current version of OpenOMF already supports loading alternate music files. Support for alternate sprites is coming after the game is otherwise working okay.
  6. Enhanced tournament mode!
  7. Enjoying challenges in reverse-engineering and coding :)

Project status

  1. 1 player, 2 player and tournament mode are (mostly) finished
  2. All cutscenes and graphical effects
  3. Most HAR moves and scrap/destructions are working
  4. Rollback netcode and a network lobby


Our latest releases are always available at



Join us on Discord if you want to get in contact with us.